Broad spectrum CBD

Health Benefits Of Cannabidiol In Your Dog

As a dog owner, you might wonder what your dog stands to gain from using CBD oils, it is a lot. With all the benefits, there are also some side effects of CBD on your dog and that is what we will be discussing in this article. You can also check out Holistapet CBD dog oil for more information in this regard.

Many pet owners have in their lifetime been introduced to CBD but have stayed away because they do not understand or do not know of its benefits for their canine friends. Some might even think it might in some way cause their dogs to be addicted to it. All these, however, can be curbed if you understand what CBD is and how to ensure you help keep your dogs safe.

First off, we would be discussing CBD.

What is Cannabidiol, CBD?

Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. When ingested or inhaled or however it is taken in, it will bind to the endocannabinoid receptor in your dog’s system. This way it can help your dog’s sleep regulation, induce appetite, reduce pain and boosts the immune system, and so many more. CBD works in a way that it helps the messengers of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) in a way that they become active and thus stimulating the neurons and everything connected to these systems. It does this way because the endocannabinoids found in the CBD are similar to those in your dog.

The following are ways in which CBD oil can help your dog:

  • Pain. If your dog has any kind of pain, especially chronic, CBD oil may prove to be effective. In this case, for chronic pains, you shouldn’t rely on the use of NSAIDs as they can cause deterioration of the joint and soft tissues, and they may even damage your dog’s liver. CBD has anti-inflammatory effects that do not have the same side effects as NSAIDs. It can be used in cases of arthritis, hip and elbow dysplasia, sprains and strains and torn ligaments.
  • Cancer. So many studies have been done to try and look for ways to cure cancer in dogs. About 50% of dogs get cancer at old age and it is quite challenging for them to undergo chemotherapy or radiation. CBD has proven to be quite effective in treating or preventing the metastasis of cancer cells. It has been found that they can kill cancer cells by blocking their ability to reproduce energy and thus stimulate the immune system.
  • Seizures and epilepsy. CBD has been used to try to reduce the recurrence of seizures.
  • Other uses include their uses in managing anxiety and allergies